Current Students


Connor is a first year ISE PhD student with a focus on Human Factors and Ergonomics. He received his B.S. in industrial engineering from the University of Pittsburgh. His research interests include the role of technology in decision making, currently focused on the domain of foster care service allocation.

Decision making amongst teams and technology in foster care.


Mahdi is a third year Ph.D. student in the Applied Cognitive Engineering Lab (ACEL) within the Industrial Engineering Department. His research interests lie in understanding user behavior in interaction with technologies. In his Ph.D. studies, he is exploring people experience while driving in autonomous cars; and how to predict type and level of activities they are engaged in highly automated driving.

Develop training models for drivers of highly automated and autonomous vehicles.


Kuan-Ting is a PhD candidate in the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University at Buffalo. Kuan-Ting received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. His research interest lies in applying cognitive ergonomics knowledge to understand and improve driver behavior and performance in transportation systems. Kuan-Ting is currently working on a project designing sonification interface for highly automated driving to provide driver feedback of the vehicle states.

Design interfaces to support driver interactions with highly automated vehicles.


Ahmed Salman Imtiaz is a PhD Candidate in the Industrial and System Engineering Department at UB with Human Factors Engineering focus. He received his M.Sc. In Industrial and Management Engineering from Montana State University Bozeman, and B.Sc. from Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh in Industrial and Production Engineering. He has keen research interest in the area of Public Health Care and been working on developing his PhD research proposal on Immigrants’ and Refugees’ health literacy from the perspective of human information processing, learning capacity and decision making process.

Understanding health literacy barriers of Asian Immigrants with limited English proficiency.

Former Students


MS, 2019

Industrial and Systems Engineering

Thesis: Transitional care planning: A pilot study to explore patient, hospital, and primary care perspectives